Who was Rachel? Rachel was a dream come true, the answer to many prayers, a daughter, a little sister, a grand daughter, and now an angel in Heaven.
Rachel Marie was born at 26 weeks gestation, on September 19, 2009 at 4:20pm eastern time. She was 1 lb 8 oz and 12 inches long. She had reddish brown hair, and long arms, legs, fingers, and toes. She is named after her grandma Marie, and her great great grandma Rachel.
There's a lot I don't know about her, that I'll never know. Like what her favorite color would have been, what her favorite food would be, how tall she would be. The list goes on and on. What I do know is that she has left a mark on my heart, on her family's hearts, and on the world even though she never took a breath. Her legacy will live on. I will make sure of that. I pray that her grandparents are holding her tight now, and will keep her safe until I get to Heaven to hold her again. Until then, I have some photos, momentos, ultrasound pictures and memories that will have to last me a lifetime. I will share some of those with you.
Deep Clarifying
11 years ago
she is beautiful, I'm so glad you shared these. My love to you
Beautiful baby girl! It will be such a wonderful day when you get to meet her in heaven! She is so very loved by her family is apparent!
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